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Things You Should Know Before Visiting China

Things you should know before Visiting China Fi

China is a vast spiritual country featuring a diversified portfolio of intense cultural experiences. A country enriched with historical structures, countryside villages, fascinating cuisine and plenty of unusual delicacies. No wonder travellers are always interested in exploring all the secrets and gems hidden in China. It draws in curious minds from all over the world. However, for first-time visitors, there are some things you should be aware of before visiting the country to know your way around the mystical land of China.

Always Carry a Copy of Your Passport

For various security purposes, many countries require visitors to carry a copy of their Passport with them at all times, especially when they leave their hotel. Chinese hotels are required by law to register guests with the police and that requires the travellers’ passport. Travellers will need to present it at each hotel desk and at the entrance to most museums and other tourist attractions as well.

Things to know before Visiting China

And it is also should be expected that a police officer will stop you in the middle street and ask for your identification. Hence to avoid any misunderstandings, international travellers are advised to always keep a copy or original of their Passport on hand while visiting China. However, visitors must ensure that there is at least six months’ validity on their passport in order to enter the country.

You Will Need a Virtual Private Network (VPN)

Unlike most places around the world, the Chinese government has a ban on mainstream websites and apps like Google, Facebook, Instagram, Youtube, Whatsapp and many others. They have their own versions of these apps which are used nationwide for communication, navigation, research and so on. This creates a huge problem for all international visitors, especially the ones who are on solo trips. This is where VPN saves the day.

Visiting China - VPN

VPN enables you to connect to another server on the internet which is located in another country so that it appears that your web traffic is coming from that country. Brilliant right? How else are the travellers supposed to gain access to Google Translate or Map for navigation in China? VPN does not only help the user bypass the Great Firewall of China, but it also masks the user’s IP and protects them from cyber threats. So it is crucial for travellers to get a good deal on VPN depending on the duration of their visit.

Downloading WeChat Will Make Things Easier

Contrary to popular belief, no, WeChat is not the Chinese alternative to Whatsapp. It is almost an all-in-one app. People in China can use it for almost everything like communicating, social media, and even for payment. It can also be used to skip lines at the most crowded and popular tourist attractions by buying tickets through the app.

Things you should know before Visiting China - WeChat

Hence, it is very important for international visitors to download this app on their devices before stepping foot in China. It can help them adapt better to local customs. It will also help to preload the app with some money so you can use it as needed while visiting China.

Carry Cash With You All the Time

With the world on the fast track to becoming fully digitised and people inclining more towards contactless payment, carrying cash around might seem peculiar now. Especially with the increase of mobile payment methods such as Alipay, WeChat Wallet and even Apple Pay, who would even want the hassle of physically carrying cash? But as a tourist visiting China, it is very important that you always have an adequate amount of cash on hand. 

Things you should know before Visiting China - carrying cash

Cash payment is still accepted in most places in China which makes it more convenient for international travellers. Thanks to Foreigner-friendly Chinese banks such as the Bank of China and ICBC, it has become easier for travellers to securely withdraw cash from their accounts. Just look for the Visa and MasterCard logo above the ATM before putting in the foreign bank cards.

Don’t Drink the Tap Water

In some parts of the country, people can drink water straight from the tap and it’s perfectly safe. But that’s not the case in China. Even the locals don’t drink it as it is not safe to drink unless boiled. The tap water in China tends to contain an unhealthy level of heavy-metal particles. So, ingesting a large quantity of it can be very dangerous for the body.

Things you should know before Visiting China - tap water

Instead, opt for bottled water. They are cheap and can be found anywhere. Though the tap water in China contains a large quantity of metal particles people can still brush their teeth, take a bath or shower, and wash their face, hands and clothes.

Things You Should Know Before Visiting China

Pack for China’s Four Seasons

We all know how big of a country China is, so it shouldn’t come as a surprise that it experiences four different seasons at the same time. As China aligns with the four seasons of the rest of the northern hemisphere, its northern region is much cooler than the south. So, your packing will be done based on where you want to visit.

Visiting China - packing for the seasons

With a landmass of 3.7 million square miles, travelling in this massive country can also lead you to pack for both light and warmer weather. Other notable packing tips would be if your itinerary includes the Forbidden City and the uneven grounds of the Great Wall, then you should pack a comfortable pair of walking shoes, and while cruising along the Li Rivera it could get very misty, so carrying a raincoat would be a smart choice. And while visiting temples, wearing a scarf or shawl that covers your head and shoulders is considered polite and respectful.

Now do you think you know the important things to get by in the mystical land of China? If yes then hurry up and book your flight from British Bangla Travel Ltd today.


Written by Nadia Farha Mubin

Content Writer and Travel Enthusiast

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